After much deliberation I finally decided to get Avery an activity center that also has a jumper. I wasn't going to get her one because I was afraid it would promote toe walking. Toe walking is very common in preemies who spend lots of time in walkers, and things like this. It takes lots of physical therapy and sometimes special shoes to get them to stop, so I thought I just won't get her anything like that and won't have to worry about it.
I talked to her Dr. and EI teacher about it and they both say she can have one. Walkers are a huge no no but these are fine. Still I wasn't going to get her one because I was afraid it would slow her down developmentally. She's doing so well and right on track I don't want to throw her off with a toy.
Babies develop naturally from head to toe on the floor. Activity centers, jumperoos and things that get babies off the floor tend to delay development because it develops leg muscles instead of trunk and head muscles.
I've done my research and decided that as long as I limit her time in her activity center she'll be fine. I chose to get this particular one for 2 reasons. The first being it doesn't bounce a whole lot. It has a hard plastic jumper at the bottom and it only bounces a little. I like that because she won't burn a lot of calories jumping like crazy. Secondly I chose this one because she can stand flat footed on the jumper and not just on her toes.
Having said all that she loves it and I'm glad I got it for her. She only gets in it twice a day for about 10 minutes each time. I still want the floor to be her primary play time but I felt like she needed something else to stimulate her.
This is her favorite toy on the thing. She is teething like crazy!

This is her second favorite

Looking up at her Daddy

The plastic jumper I was talking about