Since my last post Avery has crawled! She's not a crawler, but she crawls on occasion and that is such a blessing. She does army crawl and roll everywhere. Milestones for any baby are exciting but for my little 25 week preemie to crawl at 8 months adjusted is amazing! God has blessed me not only with Avery but also for her to be doing so well. I'm so thankful for her and for her health. God is great!!
In other news, look at Avery's little ticker right above this post. (It shows her actual and adjusted age). Now that you've found that, look how close she is to 12 months! That's right folks, in 11 days I will have a 1 year old :) Ahhh it seems so crazy to type that. I really just can't believe it.
I'm a little ashamed to say I've not been planning her party like I should be. Not because I don't want to it's because we've been so busy moving. Now it's crunch time and I have SO much to do. The only things I've done is order her outfit, made a picture appointment, and made a list of everything I need. I guess that's a start but now I need to put my plans into motion.
Between now and then we go to Nashville for her follow up cardio appointment. Her stubborn PDA is still open a tiny bit. It's not causing her any problems whatsoever, but the Dr. says if it's not closed at this appointment then she'll have to have surgery. I pray it's closed! I'm super nervous about her appointment, if she tells me Avery has to have surgery I just might lose it :( She has been through so much, I just can't stand the thought of her having to go through surgery. Please keep her in your prayers. I know whatever happens God will get us through.
That's just a little rundown of what's been going on lately. I can't find the cord for my camera right now to upload pictures. As soon as I find it I will put