Avery is in full teething mode. She doesn't have any through yet but she's working hard on them that's for sure. I can feel two just right there ready to come in. I feel like one morning we'll wake up and there will be both teeth. She does really well with teething, she just wants to chew on everything. When I say everything that's exactly what I mean! She likes to find power cords to roll to and chew on. The air purifier cord seems to be her favorite! lol (Having said that it's not like I let her set around and chew on power cords. When I'm out of the room for 2.5 seconds to take her bottle in the kitchen or to grab a diaper, she rolls and grabs one. She's done it 3 times. As soon as I see her I take it away and move her.) She even tries to chew our faces. When I give her a bath she tries to chew on my arm and the wash cloth. Anything she can get her hands immediately goes in her mouth.
She doesn't get a fever with teething, and she doesn't get real moody. She gets frustrated though, she'll bite something so hard it makes her shake and sometimes she'll let out this loud scream when she does it. Then she's her happy self :)
Here are some examples of her chewing on non teething objects
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