We are really enjoying our Summer. It was much anticipated so that we could finally get out of the house and not really have to worry about catching some sort of sickness. We've also had tons of fun just being home. We just recently got our new house all together and we're so glad to have more room and a huge yard.
Avery has just took off in her development to this Summer. She crawls everywhere, pulls up, while she's standing she'll let go of what she's holding onto for seconds at a time. She walks behind her walker, and she says so much. She says Mama, Dada and Daddy, hi, baby, bye, bubba (even though she doesn't have one! lol) I believe she's trying to say Nanann which is what my sister is called. She says Nan or nanana so my sister and I like to thing she's trying to say Nanann. She waves and shakes her head no. She's eating bits of food now instead of all pureed food. I could go on and on. She's getting so big and doing so wonderful. I'm such a proud Mama :)
She's having her first "popsicle" | | | | |
I pureed mango and a bit of prune juice to make her popsicles |
She ate every bit of it |
Having some summer squash and zucchini from my Mom's garden |
I had some too, it was delicious! |
playing in her baby pool :) |
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