Hello Blogger Friends! I've been on a blogging hiatus....obviously! Not purposely but life tends to get in the way. In the most wonderful way of course.
Blogging has been the last thing on my mind lately. Well more like over the past moth and a half, but who's counting? Right? I hate that because I really enjoy it and I like having a place to keep all my Avery stories. I write everything down but it's just the facts. Avery said Mama the first time on this day, or Avery took her first step on this day. Very basic stuff with no pics or a story. I in no way think I'm a good writer, but I know one day I'll appreciate this and I hope Avery will too.
I plan to do better, but we'll see. Avery is such a busy body now, she's into everything. She would rather grab the computer cord and shake it than play with a toy. She loves to take off like a rocket into the kitchen to see how far she can get before I catch up to her, and she loves to get any tiny spec of anything off the floor and eat it. While eating the things she's supposed to eat she wants to do it. When I try to spoon feed her she slaps it and makes a mess all over both of us or she shakes her head no. She then gets whatever was on the spoon on her fingers and licks it off. We both could use a bath at every meal and that's 3 times a day not including snacks if they're messy ones. I always thought people who say they lost their baby weight by chasing after that baby were crazy but I believe them 100%. She is a ball full of energy and she's completely happy. I love every minute of it and seeing her smile or hearing her laugh is the greatest thing, even if we are both covered in peas.
She takes 2 naps/day. The morning nap is usually a 30 minute power nap. During that nap I have a decision to make do I want to shower, eat, clean, or blog. The first two choices win out every time! Yet another reason for my blog hiatus. Her afternoon nap is usually longer so I'm able to get some things done that are impossible to do while she's awake. When she wakes up from both naps her battery is fully charged and she's ready for some serious playtime. I love to play with her. She gives everything kisses while we're playing. She gives Violet her (stuffed) dog kisses, her babies get kisses but Mommy and Daddy get the most. My favorite kisses are when she just leans over without me asking and gives me tons of kisses, just one right after the other. It warms my heart and I truly feel my heart could explode from all the love I have for and from this child. There's nothing in this world better than being a Mommy.
I have tons to update this blog about. Avery is just growing and reaching all her milestones so far and doing so many cute things. I need to get to posting because she's not slowing down one bit!
Look at those baby blues :) |
Enjoying a good read on our way home from Nashville |
Reading makes her sleepy |
Pure Joy |
Sneaking over the the computer cord |
What Mom? I'm not doing anything! |
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