So this week I'm chalking up as an epic fail for blogging! Although I have a good excuse. Josh, Avery, and I have been spending quality time together. Josh has been off work this week so we've just been lazy all week hanging out with our little princess.
We've been meaning to put up our Christmas decor for 3 days and have yet to do it. That's how lazy we've been! It's for sure happening tomorrow. I can't wait to see how Avery reacts to all the lights! I have a feeling she'll be mesmerized.
Josh is off until Wednesday, so after Wednesday I will be blogging like usual. I have a bunch of cute things I can't wait to post. Tata for now :)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Princess Update
She likes peek-a-boo and to be talked to more than anything. She will just smile the whole time I'm talking to her.
She is pooping on her own now which makes us very happy. Ever since she's been home we've had to give her suppositories to go, but not anymore. We were on the verge of going to a Gastroenterologist but she worked it out all on her own. When we change her diaper and think she has a poopy, Josh and I both have to go and see! lol Crazy I know but we get so excited when she poos on her own. We tell her how proud we are and she looks at us like we've lost it!
She's growing like a weed and I mean that in the most loving way! She's such a happy baby. Never cries unless she's hungry or needs to be changed. She's so very perfect in every single way!
Here's some pics of the almost naked chunk :~)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
and it feels so good!!! Zeb has made his way back to Avery and she loves it. It was her first "visual stimulation" in the NICU. She loved him then and she loves him still. She starred at him forever before falling asleep.

Miss Independent
Avery is learning to hold her own bottle :) She gets mad if she can't have her hands up to her bottle. She's not yet supporting it while feeding but she always has her hands on it. Just a matter of time before she's doing it o her own.
It seems I'm always wearing a blue shirt when someone takes a pic of her and I! lol
Her face is always shiny in pics. It's not in person, I don't know why it is in pics?

The sweetest smile in the world.
It seems I'm always wearing a blue shirt when someone takes a pic of her and I! lol
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
My 2 Loves
Avery and Josh napping. Well more like Josh napping and Avery saying wake up and play with me. She never made a peep. I'm not sure how long she was awake but I looked over and saw her sweet little eyes wide open just starring at her Daddy. It was so so cute :) I love these 2 more than life itself.

Here's some pics of her holding my finger while taking her bottle. So sweet. I love every part of being her Mommy!

Sunday, November 14, 2010
Big Momma and Nanann
We've had such a busy week/weekend. My Mom aka Big Momma to Avery came and spent 3 days with us. She stayed up with Avery at night so I could sleep which was much needed and greatly appreciated. My sister aka Nanann to Avery stayed last night, so we've had lots of company and we've loved having them here.
A little update on my Pap-paw he's home now and as far as I know doing pretty well. We can't go see him though because my Granny smokes in her house and Avery can't be around smoke at all. Even if she was a term baby she still wouldn't be around smoke. I think Monday or Tuesday Josh will watch Avery while I make a quick trip to see him.
Anyways, Avery is doing great and has loved bonding with her Big Momma and Nanann :)
Here's some pics from all big fun times!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Princess Update
Avery is just doing awesome. She went to the Dr. yesterday and she weighs 8# 11oz. She's getting so big :) I thought maybe she was getting a cold because she was "nasally". Her nose needs to be sucked out often, if I don't then it gets rattly. Her nose isn't runny she just gets snot stuck in it. Also it's mainly in the morning. Her Dr. told me there's no need for medicine and even if there were a need, there was nothing I could give Avery because she's too little. She said to keep doing what I was doing and she should be fine. Her chest sounded fine so all is well.
She will be starting EIS, Early Intervention Services soon. It's a program that promotes her development and makes sure she hits all her milestones. The program is voluntary so it's not something she absolutely has to do, but I feel like if it could help her or catch something early it's so worth it. I'll do anything that could help her.
Since she was premature she's only supposed to be doing what a 1 1/2 month old is doing not her actual age which is 4 months. The developmental specialist came out to assess her and she did great. The lady was very impressed with Avery and said she can't believe she is a 26 weeker. I had to correct her because Avery is a 25 weeker, and she was even more impressed. Avery holds her head up, tracks objects with her eyes, reacts to noises, smiles, makes eye contact, puts her hands together, does great with tummy time, etc. The lady said she's dong more than what she's supposed to be doing and feels Avery will excel and catch up way before she's 2.
2 years of age is when preemies are considered to be caught up with their peers in growth and development. So to hear Avery should be caught up before 2 is wonderful news. Whether she does or not I'll still be one proud Momma :)
Sad Day
I've been too exhausted to blog lately! haha Avery keeps me on my toes. I don't mind one bit, I'll sleep when she's oh maybe 5? Seriously though she is up all night and sleeps all day. I'm going to have to try and reverse this...wish me luck!
On a different and much sadder note, Meg, Avery and I made a quick trip to Nashville yesterday. Yesterday was my birthday. It was a great day until one phone call changed everything.
My Pap-paw is not doing well. He's at Vanderbilt and had surgery but there are some other things going on. I'm not going to go into details because it's not really mine to tell, and my family is very private when it come to things like this. I felt like we needed to go see him and he hadn't met Avery. I struggled with the decision on taking Avery in the hospital but everyone insisted it would be fine as long as no one touched her and she stayed covered up. I wasn't sure until I got there as to what I would do. My Pap-paw doesn't have anything contagious so I decided to take her in and let him see her. I'm so glad I did. When we went in I told him I had a surprise, I lifted the blanket and the expression on his face was priceless. I'll never forget it. He said "oh!!! you brought my baby! She's so pretty he said :) That just made me so happy and I know it did him too.
Her visit was very short but I just wanted him to see her. I was going to take her to the car and me and Meg were going to take turns setting with her, but our family had it's own waiting room so that worked out great. It wasn't assigned or anything but there were so many of us we took up the whole thing! That made me feel better so we stayed in the waiting room with Avery. She pretty much slept the whole time and as always she was a great baby.
Please keep my Pap-paw and family in your prayers. I love him dearly. I'm so tired of all the sickness and loss this year has brought for me and my family. I'm just kind of numb to it all.
On our way home we were too close to Centennial not to stop by and let Avery's night nurses see her. All three of her primary night nurses were there last night Laura, Dani, and Kim. I was so glad to see them and they were so glad to see Avery. She slept the whole time but they didn't mind they were just glad we stopped by. We didn't get to see Becca her day primary nurse :( Next time we go we'll have to plan it so that we'll see her.
Avery was wide awake the whole ride home but she was so good. I drove and Meg sat in the back with her. Meg and I had karaoke in the car so that kept Avery entertained and me awake.
On a different and much sadder note, Meg, Avery and I made a quick trip to Nashville yesterday. Yesterday was my birthday. It was a great day until one phone call changed everything.
My Pap-paw is not doing well. He's at Vanderbilt and had surgery but there are some other things going on. I'm not going to go into details because it's not really mine to tell, and my family is very private when it come to things like this. I felt like we needed to go see him and he hadn't met Avery. I struggled with the decision on taking Avery in the hospital but everyone insisted it would be fine as long as no one touched her and she stayed covered up. I wasn't sure until I got there as to what I would do. My Pap-paw doesn't have anything contagious so I decided to take her in and let him see her. I'm so glad I did. When we went in I told him I had a surprise, I lifted the blanket and the expression on his face was priceless. I'll never forget it. He said "oh!!! you brought my baby! She's so pretty he said :) That just made me so happy and I know it did him too.
Her visit was very short but I just wanted him to see her. I was going to take her to the car and me and Meg were going to take turns setting with her, but our family had it's own waiting room so that worked out great. It wasn't assigned or anything but there were so many of us we took up the whole thing! That made me feel better so we stayed in the waiting room with Avery. She pretty much slept the whole time and as always she was a great baby.
Please keep my Pap-paw and family in your prayers. I love him dearly. I'm so tired of all the sickness and loss this year has brought for me and my family. I'm just kind of numb to it all.
On our way home we were too close to Centennial not to stop by and let Avery's night nurses see her. All three of her primary night nurses were there last night Laura, Dani, and Kim. I was so glad to see them and they were so glad to see Avery. She slept the whole time but they didn't mind they were just glad we stopped by. We didn't get to see Becca her day primary nurse :( Next time we go we'll have to plan it so that we'll see her.
Avery was wide awake the whole ride home but she was so good. I drove and Meg sat in the back with her. Meg and I had karaoke in the car so that kept Avery entertained and me awake.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Avery pooped all by herself this morning! I am one happy Momma! It's crazy what you get excited about when you become a mom.

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Picture Crazy
I swear Avery is probably thinking enough already with the all pictures. I think everything she does is so cute so I have to take a picture! Here's some from our photo shoot today :)
Here she's watching Jungle Junction,she watched all but the last 5 minutes then she was out

These 3 are from yesterday but they're so cute I just had to post them. She is so expressive!
I LOVE this one! lol she cracks me up!

Here she's watching Jungle Junction,she watched all but the last 5 minutes then she was out
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