Avery is just doing awesome. She went to the Dr. yesterday and she weighs 8# 11oz. She's getting so big :) I thought maybe she was getting a cold because she was "nasally". Her nose needs to be sucked out often, if I don't then it gets rattly. Her nose isn't runny she just gets snot stuck in it. Also it's mainly in the morning. Her Dr. told me there's no need for medicine and even if there were a need, there was nothing I could give Avery because she's too little. She said to keep doing what I was doing and she should be fine. Her chest sounded fine so all is well.
She will be starting EIS, Early Intervention Services soon. It's a program that promotes her development and makes sure she hits all her milestones. The program is voluntary so it's not something she absolutely has to do, but I feel like if it could help her or catch something early it's so worth it. I'll do anything that could help her.
Since she was premature she's only supposed to be doing what a 1 1/2 month old is doing not her actual age which is 4 months. The developmental specialist came out to assess her and she did great. The lady was very impressed with Avery and said she can't believe she is a 26 weeker. I had to correct her because Avery is a 25 weeker, and she was even more impressed. Avery holds her head up, tracks objects with her eyes, reacts to noises, smiles, makes eye contact, puts her hands together, does great with tummy time, etc. The lady said she's dong more than what she's supposed to be doing and feels Avery will excel and catch up way before she's 2.
2 years of age is when preemies are considered to be caught up with their peers in growth and development. So to hear Avery should be caught up before 2 is wonderful news. Whether she does or not I'll still be one proud Momma :)
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