She likes peek-a-boo and to be talked to more than anything. She will just smile the whole time I'm talking to her.
She is pooping on her own now which makes us very happy. Ever since she's been home we've had to give her suppositories to go, but not anymore. We were on the verge of going to a Gastroenterologist but she worked it out all on her own. When we change her diaper and think she has a poopy, Josh and I both have to go and see! lol Crazy I know but we get so excited when she poos on her own. We tell her how proud we are and she looks at us like we've lost it!
She's growing like a weed and I mean that in the most loving way! She's such a happy baby. Never cries unless she's hungry or needs to be changed. She's so very perfect in every single way!
Here's some pics of the almost naked chunk :~)
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