One day Josh walked over and said "Ms. Avery just what are you doing in there". Avery would be perfectly still when she heard his voice. We thought it was just a fluke thing so I told him not to say anything. When he stopped talking Avery would squirm around, when he started talking she was perfectly still every single time. It was so sweet. I knew then she thought he was pretty great.
Now that she's here it's the same way. When we went to see Avery the first day Josh got here this week she was a little fussy. I walked over and was talking to her and she stopped fussing a little. When Josh walked over and talked to her this is what he got...

Look at that sweet smile :) Even though she loves her Mommy so very much she really thinks her Daddy is something. That's just fine by me because I think he's pretty great too. I love watching the 2 loves of my life together. It makes my heart so happy.

Those pictures are so sweet! Hopefully one day I'll get to come see you guys. You will have your hands full, she is so beautiful!
Thank you :) maybe one day you could come visit, that would be great.
allie smiled for the first time for her daddy. which was awesome but at the same time kind of hurt my
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