Avery has been doing wonderful with her bottles the past 2 days. No bradycardia, and no dropping her oxygen saturation. This makes me very happy! I'm hoping the Dr.'s will add another bottle/day and that she'll do well. I'm so very proud of her, she's come such a long way.
She weighs 5lbs 10oz, and she's such a chunky monkey. I love every single fat roll and extra chin, haha! She looks like a chubby newborn baby now and she's losing her preemie look. It seems like she's changing everyday.
She's starting to stay awake more often and I love it. We have moments where we just stare at each other. I tell her how beautiful she is and how much Mommy and Daddy love her. Sometimes I just cry because I'm so happy to have her and that she's doing so well. Just the thought of her completely melts my heart :)
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