Yesterday our Princess turned 6 months old (2 months 3 weeks and 1 day adjusted). Time has just flown by! She's getting so big so quick. I'm glad she's growing and doing so well but time needs to slow down just a bit.
She hit a huge growth spurt. In a little over a week she went from being able to wear a few newborn outfits, pretty much skipped 0-3 months and now she's in 3 months! I can tell she's grown exponentially in length, which is exactly what she needed to do. She is a shorty like her Momma.
She laughs, smiles, and giggles more than any baby I've ever seen. She is always happy.
When she wakes up in her crib she "talks" and she'll yell to get our attention. She doesn't cry very much at all, only when she's hungry and I'm not getting it fast enough or if she has a dirty diaper or needs to burp. Other than that she never cries!
Everything she gets her hands on goes directly in her mouth. Her hands themselves are no exception. She sucks her thumb, fingers, and fist. She sometimes gags herself trying to put her fist in her mouth.
Not only does she like to try and eat her hands she loves to stare at them. Every time she sees them it's like she's discovering them for the first time. It's so cute.
Her favorite thing is to be read to and talked to all while being held of course. She loves to hear our voices and she loves the pictures in her books.
She also loves the Christmas tree. She will stare at it so long she falls asleep :)
Her reflux is being managed wonderfully with Zantac. We've had no problems since she started it. I'm very thankful for that.
She's around 11 1/2 #'s. She'll get weighed again in 2 weeks so I'm not 100% sure of her weight but she's somewhere around there. She's just growing and doing great!
I couldn't ask for a better baby. She's amazing in every way!
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