Avery has recently been having reflux issues. Last weekend she started projectile vomiting and spitting up all the time. I was so worried she was going to dehydrate because I felt like she wasn't keeping anything down. When she was eating she wasn't taking very much so that concerned me even more. While eating she seemed miserable and I had to force feed her. She would grunt, cry and arch her back. I did my research and she is a classic reflux case.
Everything I read said to let them sleep elevated. I started letting her sleep in her boppy which is a big no no. The tag says not to let a baby sleep in it but you gotta do what you gotta do. I do put a blanket over it very tightly so she won't sink through the middle, and wrap her up with another blanket so she won't slip out through the bottom like she did in this pic...
She's been sleeping in her boppy on the couch and I've been sleeping underneath her (if that makes sense?). Tonight for the first time we'll all three sleep in our bedroom, and I can't wait. I miss my bed. I hope she does well in her new bed. We shall see...
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