So obviously I'm a bit behind but since it was Avery's first Thanksgiving I have to post her Thanksgiving pics. After all this is her blog and my hope is that one day she'll look at it and read all her entries.
We didn't go to family dinners this year because I didn't want to risk Avery getting sick. We did however have Thanksgiving dinner thanks to my Mom. She cooked the Sunday before for us at my house. She also cooked Thanksgiving day as well for the rest of the family, what a great Mom!
We have so much to be thankful for. This year has been an absolute roller coaster, with extreme highs and devastating lows. I try to look past all the bad and focus on what's great. My beautiful baby girls are for sure the high points. I'm thankful for both my girls. Although Adison isn't here on earth and it hurts me every day, it's a pain that is indescribable. I'm still so thankful for the time we had with her, and that we got to show her and tell her how much she's loved. She's gone but will never be forgotten.
I'm thankful for Avery of course. I very well could be saying about her what I say about Adison. I could have had two angel babies. I'm thankful she's doing so well and thriving at home. For her to be born 15 weeks early and not come home on monitors and oxygen is a miracle in and of itself. I'm baffled when I really think of all the what if's and the could have been when it comes to her. I'm so blessed that she's just alive but even more so for how great she's doing so far.
I'm thankful for my wonderful Husband. He has been my rock through all of this. He's my very best friend and I love him more than he could possibly know. We've been through so much this year, yet we've managed to hold ourselves and marriage together. Lots of couples who've been what we've been through can't say that. We are very blessed.
I'm thankful for my great family and friends. They've been so faithful with prayers and I was never alone when I was in the hospital. They would give up their time to be with their immediate family to be with me. They made sure someone was there at all times and that meant so much to me. I have the greatest family and friends a girl could ask for. I love every single one of them.
I'm thankful for Avery's amazing Dr.'s and especially her excellent nurses. Those ladies mean the world to me. Laura, Dani, and Becca will forever hold a special place in me heart. They were not only her nurses but became great friends. Each of them helped me through the crazy NICU ride. I don't know what I would have done without them. When I was falling apart they were right there putting me back together. After Adison's death I became a super cautious and paranoid Momma to Avery. I was terrified something was going to happen to her. They understood that and were able to chill me out. I love those ladies and I'm so grateful for them.
Most of all I'm thankful for the amazing God I serve. There were times when I doubted my faith, and thought why would God do this. If He's so great and loving why am I going through all of this? I look at my baby girl and I have all the answers. She is nothing short of a miracle and I'm thankful to God for blessing me with her.
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