Avery is 7 months old today! My oh my how time flies! She is the sweetest baby and such a blessing. She has so much personality and is a ball of laughs.
She does so much. One of the most recent things she does that's super cute is she "acts shy". She does it lots with her Daddy. He'll talk to her and she'll stare at him and smile so big then turn her head like she's embarrassed or shy. It is one of the cutest things I've ever seen. She does it all the time :)
She's mastered tummy time and has all but rolled over on several occasions. She scares herself so she stops.
She startles easily. If she hears a loud noise or something happens unexpectedly she'll jump and sometimes cry :( She is scared of one of the rattles she used to love. She'll cry every time I shake it at her.
This baby smiles ALL the time. I love it! She laughs so loud now, and even gets tickled at herself sometimes. She'll even giggle in her sleep which is so so cute.
She "talks" so much too. We get so tickled at her. She'll be playing in the floor and just yell so loud sometimes. She coos ooos and goos so much I feel like she's going to be the kid that never stops talking when she's actually talking. That will be just fine with me.
I'm amazed by this baby girl everyday and love her more than anything. She's my beautiful sunshine :)
She is wearing her first pair of jeans today. I feel like that should be documented...
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