This is Avery's first act of rebellion. I in no way want her to be a thumb sucker. As cute as it is I don't want her to do it for many reasons.
The reasons being...
#1 Children who suck their thumbs get sick more often than children who don't. Due to germs on their sweet little hands!
#2 She gags herself ALL the time. She gets greedy and thinks well if I can fit a thumb in there surely my entire fist will fit. Thus making her gag and often times puke! This happened twice just yesterday.
#3 I'm a germaphobe. When she gets older and starts crawling I don't want her putting her nasty hands in her mouth. Also when anyone sees a baby they immediately touch the babies hands giving them all the germs they have. I cringe at the thought of this!
#4 I'm a teeth person by nature and profession. Thumb sucking causes major problems in that area.
#5 I can't take her thumb away. A pacifier can be taken away when it needs to be. I don't want her to be 6 years old and sucking her thumb!
I do however think it's one of the cutest things to see and hear her sucking her thumb. There's just something so sweet about it. I just don't want her to do it. I offer her the passy every time I catch her doing it and she takes it just fine. It's when she loses her passy or when she gets hungry she thinks she needs her thumb. I'm hoping when she's able to put her passy back in after losing it she does instead of putting her thumb in there!
Only time will tell if she ends up being a true thumb sucker. If she does well then that will be just fine. I'll just have to suck it up!
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