Well I haven't posted in while I know. It's not because I'm bored with Avery's blog or that I don't have the cutest pics in the world to post. It's a lack of time!
Avery has decided that sleep is overrated! She was doing so well with sleeping through the night but that changed New Year's eve. She was up until 4 am. I was ready for bed at 11 but not the Princess she wanted to ring in the New Year and then some. Since then she'll go to bed at 11 pm or so but she's wide awake at 2 am. I'll give her a bottle and try to put her back to bed but she's ready to play. She's not fussy or anything just wide awake and ready to play. If I'm lucky she'll go back to sleep around 4 am but lot's of times she stay awake for another bottle then goes to sleep at 6 am and sleeps until 11 am! Oh me! Last night was a huge improvement so hopefully we'll get the kinks worked out and be back on her usual schedule. Mommy is so ready for that!
Also Josh has been sick. I was afraid he had a cold so I've been sanitizing everything he touches. I wouldn't talk to my Mom on the phone yesterday because he answered it and got his germs all over it. I had to clean it, wash my hands then call her back! lol I'm a complete germaphobe. I was before Avery but now it's multiplied by 100! I just don't want her to get sick and I can't get sick because I have to take care of her.
He went to the Dr. yesterday and he has a sinus infection which is a relief! I'm still cleaning like crazy just in case the Dr. is wrong. The symptoms of a cold and sinus infection are pretty much the same so I'd rather be safe than sorry.
So between not getting much sleep and cleaning like a mad woman I've not had much time to do anything!
Avery however is doing amazing and that's all that matters. She is getting so big :) She goes to the Dr. next week for her 6 month check up and for her synagis shot. I can't wait to see how much she weighs and how long she is. She has hit a huge growth spurt.
I swear she's the happiest baby on the planet. It warms my heart every time she smiles, giggles, or coos. She's amazing :)
Gosh, I love this baby! I miss you guys!
:) We sure miss you too!
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