Avery's 6 month check-up was yesterday. She is doing wonderful and her Dr. is so proud of where she's at and all her progress. She now weighs 12 # 4 oz and is 22 inches long. She's gained 2 #'s and grown 2 inches in 1 month! I knew she was having a huge growth spurt because of how much she was eating and sleeping.
She's in the 50th percentile for weight and 5th percentile for height. She's going to be a shorty like her Momma ;) Her Dr. is thrilled with her weight gain and her development. She's doing more than what's expected of her adjusted age (3months 2 weeks) which is great.
Along with her check-up she got her monthly synagis shot. It's just in case she were to get RSV. It helps to lessen the effects and makes it so hopefully you can treat baby at home and not in the hospital. I pray we never have to know if it works or not! We do everything we possibly can to keep her healthy.
The shot is worse than her other shots. They say the medicine is really thick and that's what makes it hurt so bad. I know she needs it but it's horrible to watch. April will be her last shot of the season, and October will start the next season. She'll get a 5 month break!
In 2 weeks we'll start giving her cereal at bedtime. and at 5 months adjusted she'll start getting baby food. She's growing up so fast. I remember getting some bowls and spoons at my baby shower and thinking "My gosh it will be forever before we need those." Well now it's just around the corner. Time flies when you're having fun, and this baby has been the most fun I've ever had.
She's just a perfect Princess and her Momma and Daddy are so very proud of her!
Big red teary eyes on our way home after her shot :( Sad sad baby!

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