
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful On This Day and Everday

 November is the month of Thanksgiving. It seems people only stop to think of what they're thankful for around this time of year. My Thanksgiving is year round. I have that warm fuzzy feeling every time I get to hold my baby, kiss her, see her walk, listen to her beautiful voice. Simply feeling her sweet hand on my cheek when we sleep, or hearing her say Momma is the greatest gift I've ever been given. For all that I'm thankful and not just in November but every single day.
I'm thankful Avery has defied all odds with her prematurity. We were told when she was born she may never crawl, walk, talk, see, or hear. She's done all of those and done them well. She's proving that premature babies should never be underestimated. They are strong and have to fight from the second they're born to live and thrive in this world. Every breath is a gift and a chore for them, every ounce they gain is a huge accomplishment. I'm so thankful for every breath she fought so hard to take and for every ounce she struggled to gain.
To look at her now you would have no idea she had such a rough start. I'm beyond grateful for her, her health, her progress, her will to live, and her strength. God has blessed me more than I deserve and I can't thank Him enough. We've had the worst possible outcome and the best possible outcome with premature babies. I'm thankful for both of my miracles. I'm thankful Adison fought so hard to live for the time she did. She was so sick and for her to have lived 19 days is nothing short of a miracle.
I'm thankful to know one day I'll see Adison in Heaven. I'm thankful for my Salvation, without it I wouldn't see her again. God's plan is perfect. I know and trust that even if I don't understand the whys. I'm not meant to understand and I'm coming to terms with that.
I'm thankful on this day and everyday for life. It's such a precious gift that's often taken for granted. I'm thankful that it's something I don't take for granted.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving but I hope even more that you are thankful everyday for life and all the blessings you're given :)

She's running down the hallway :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

16 months

 Geez I've got to do better with updating this blog. I mean it's not like I'm busy chasing around a toddler ;) Avery is doing so much I don't even know where to start. She's 16 months old and 13 months adjusted.
She walks/runs everywhere, and says so many things. She's a big repeater, she will attempt to repeat just about anything we say. Her vocabulary list is growing by the day but here's what she's saying as of now...
Daddy, dada
bye bye
bubba (I'm not sure why but to my recollection we've never said it, I think she just likes b words)
yum yum or yummy yummy yummy that's her word for food
she barks when Violet (a toy dog) barks
I'm certain there's more but I can't think of them right now. She amazes me with all she can say. Her receptive vocabulary is awesome as well. She knows everything we say. If I say go get your ball, she gets her ball. I can ask her where's Momma, Daddy, Nanann, Big Momma and she'll point to them. She knows where her nose, toes, hands, and ears are. I say where's your __ and she points to it. Cutest thing ever!!
She is so smart and way ahead in her speech. I truly think it's because we read to her all the time. We read at the very least 6 books a day. It's her favorite thing to do. If we say do you want to read a book, we no more than get read out and she gets so excited. She squeals and claps, it's very cute and I love that she likes to read so much.
She shakes her head yes and no. She claps, climbs, waves, tries to do a handstand.
She's so happy and playful and I love every minute of it. I'm so proud of her and all she's accomplished. What a miracle :)

Trying to do a handstand :)
She's starting to undress herself, she got her arm out.

She was Pebbles for Halloween
trying on a winter had and mittens, she loves them!

That was her second bowl of butternut squash/pumpkin soup, needless to say it's a favorite!

Fred, Pebbles, and Wilma Flintstone ;)

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dear Daddy

Dear Daddy,
Since Mommy has already planned my 2nd birthday party it made me think of what I want for a present. I'd like something I can have for a long time and something that would be so special. I realized how much I love Violet and how happy she makes me so I'm thinking I need a real puppy.
I put the bug in Mommy's ear so she did research, like she does for everything! She found a breed that is great with kids like me, you know your little Princess. It's a Sheepadoodle and it's hypoallergenic whatever that means. I think I heard mommy say it means they don't shed and it wouldn't bother any ones allergies. Oh and it's super cute. We look at pictures when you're at work and I get so excited. Mommy's trying to teach me to say puppy but I usually say bye bye, yummy yummy yummy, or hello instead. She's so silly and she thinks everything I say is the greatest thing and she claps at everything too. I think it's fun and I clap back and laugh at how crazy she is. She's nuts! Especially when I walk all over. She tells me Avery your so big, look at you, I'm so proud, you're doing so good, it goes on and on and on. I mean I like the attention and all but she could calm down. The second I don't have her undivided attention I know how to get it real quick. I go under the computer desk, or pull on a cord, go to the book shelf, push my pack and play out of the way and go in the kitchen. Once I'm caught I know how to weasel my way out of trouble to. I smile, clap, or give her a big kiss and it's like she forgets what I was doing wrong. Being cute definitely works in my favor.
I lost track of what this letter is really about, but I get that trait from my Mommy. I was saying how I'd like a sheepadoodle for my birthday next year. I know it's 8 months away but you and Mommy need to find a breeder and make sure a puppy will be ready on my birthday. I'll just be heartbroken if I don't get one. That's all I want for my birthday, I love you so much Daddy. You're the best.

Did I tell you how great you are and how much I love you?

Here's some pictures just in case you don't know what they look like.
little tiny baby puppy

playful older puppy

Me and My Puppy when I'm 3. It would be my best friend...well next to you and Mommy of course :)

I love Violet, but I want a real puppy that can play with me and give me big puppy kisses.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Nanann Love

 The proof is in the pics that Avery is crazy about her Nanann, which is my sister. Pretty sure Meg feels the same way! They are too cute together and I thought all their love deserved a post :)

Friday, September 30, 2011

Toothbrush Time

We just started brushing Avery's teeth this week. The pics are from the first time, as you can tell she had a big fun time. She'll let me start but she likes to help. She moves her little hand back and forth like a pro, it's so cute. To be only over a year old she does great, however she gets bored with it quickly and then she'd rather just chew on it.
Her toothbrush is my little pony and yes I'll be keeping it for her baby book :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Horsing Around

My Mom or Big Momma to Avery wasn't able to see us for about 4 weeks. Ethan had the chicken pox so she had to wait until the contagious stage was over. When she was finally able to see Avery she came bearing LOTS of gifts. If Avery were bigger she would've thought it was Christmas.
She brought her this ride along horse, a CD player, books, and a popper toy that you push. Avery wasn't a big fan of the popper at first but she warmed up to it quickly. This horse however is her favorite toy. She wants to ride it all the time. She hasn't figured out how to do it herself yet but she's almost there. For now Mommy and Daddy have the privileged of pushing her up and down the hall way. If we're ready to stop and she's not she doesn't hesitate letting us know it.
After I told my Mom how much she loved it and she wanted to ride it constantly she tells me. "Well if I knew she would've liked it so much and you guys were going to have to push her all the time I would've got the one with the long handle on the back"....thanks Mom ;) Really though we don't mind, one day all too soon she'll be telling us "I can do it".

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Sweet Teeth

I was finally able to get a picture that shows most of Avery's sweet teeth :) She looks so big when you can see the top ones. She has 7 with 2 more on the way.
She's the best teether ever! I seriously never know she's cutting teeth until they're already there. She doesn't fuss or have a temp, but she will chew on things like crazy. I'm sure when her molars start to come in I'll know it though :)

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hello Blog...Nice To See You Again

 Hello Blogger Friends! I've been on a blogging hiatus....obviously! Not purposely but life tends to get in the way. In the most wonderful way of course.
Blogging has been the last thing on my mind lately. Well more like over the past moth and a half, but who's counting? Right? I hate that because I really enjoy it and I like having a place to keep all my Avery stories. I write everything down but it's just the facts. Avery said Mama the first time on this day, or Avery took her first step on this day. Very basic stuff with no pics or a story. I in no way think I'm a good writer, but I know one day I'll appreciate this and I hope Avery will too.
I plan to do better, but we'll see. Avery is such a busy body now, she's into everything. She would rather grab the computer cord and shake it than play with a toy. She loves to take off like a rocket into the kitchen to see how far she can get before I catch up to her, and she loves to get any tiny spec of anything off the floor and eat it. While eating the things she's supposed to eat she wants to do it. When I try to spoon feed her she slaps it and makes a mess all over both of us or she shakes her head no. She then gets whatever was on the spoon on her fingers and licks it off. We both could use a bath at every meal and that's 3 times a day not including snacks if they're messy ones. I always thought people who say they lost their baby weight by chasing after that baby were crazy but I believe them 100%. She is a ball full of energy and she's completely happy. I love every minute of it and seeing her smile or hearing her laugh is the greatest thing, even if we are both covered in peas.
She takes 2 naps/day. The morning nap is usually a 30 minute power nap. During that nap I have a decision to make do I want to shower, eat, clean, or blog. The first two choices win out every time! Yet another reason for my blog hiatus. Her afternoon nap is usually longer so I'm able to get some things done that are impossible to do while she's awake. When she wakes up from both naps her battery is fully charged and she's ready for some serious playtime. I love to play with her. She gives everything kisses while we're playing. She gives Violet her (stuffed) dog kisses, her babies get kisses but Mommy and Daddy get the most. My favorite kisses are when she just leans over without me asking and gives me tons of kisses, just one right after the other. It warms my heart and I truly feel my heart could explode from all the love I have for and from this child. There's nothing in this world better than being a Mommy.
I have tons to update this blog about. Avery is just growing and reaching all her milestones so far and doing so many cute things. I need to get to posting because she's not slowing down one bit!

Look at those baby blues :)

Enjoying a good read on our way home from Nashville

Reading makes her sleepy

Pure Joy

Sneaking over the the computer cord

What Mom? I'm not doing anything!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Favorite Pastime

 Here lately there's nothing Avery enjoys more than strolling her toys. She's not satisfied until every single toy is out of the bins. Once she's emptied a bin and has played with everything or at least licked, chewed, or threw it, she goes on to the next bin and does the exact same thing. After a while I put all the toys back in then she starts all over. It's a game to her and it keeps her occupied for long periods of time. It frees Mommy up to do things such as this blog post or eat breakfast :)

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sweet Summertime

 We are really enjoying our Summer. It was much anticipated so that we could finally get out of the house and not really have to worry about catching some sort of sickness. We've also had tons of fun just being home. We just recently got our new house all together and we're so glad to have more room and a huge yard.
Avery has just took off in her development to this Summer. She crawls everywhere, pulls up, while she's standing she'll let go of what she's holding onto for seconds at a time. She walks behind her walker, and she says so much. She says Mama, Dada and Daddy, hi, baby, bye, bubba (even though she doesn't have one! lol) I believe she's trying to say Nanann which is what my sister is called. She says Nan or nanana so my sister and I like to thing she's trying to say Nanann. She waves and shakes her head no. She's eating bits of food now instead of all pureed food. I could go on and on. She's getting so big and doing so wonderful. I'm such a proud Mama :)
She's having her first "popsicle"

I pureed mango and a bit of prune juice to make her popsicles

She ate every bit of it

Having some summer squash and zucchini from my Mom's garden

I had some too, it was delicious!
playing in her baby pool :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

1st Birthday

Long time no post. I'm back and have lots of things to post. I've actually started to write posts and got too emotional so I would just quit typing. This past month has been such an emotional roller coaster and so stressful. We moved, Josh had to have an MRI of his brain (normal results thank God), had Avery's birthday party, and the 1 year anniversary of losing Adison. I've just been a ball of emotions. All I know is that God won't give me more than I can handle, but I sure wish he didn't trust me so much.
While Avery's birthday was so exciting and lots of fun it was missing one beautiful little girl who also shares this special birthday. Adison is missed everyday but I couldn't get past the fact that she wasn't here to celebrate as well. I took it lots harder than I expected to. I still managed to enjoy Avery's birthday and her birthday party, I'm so glad about that. Anyway...moving on to happier things.
Avery's party was fun and she got to meet lots of people for the first time. She really didn't want anyone holding her and if she let them it was short lived. Everyone understood and was really good with her. She did really well and we didn't have a single meltdown so I would say it was an excellent 1st birthday party. So thankful to be able to celebrate this wonderful miracle God gave me. 
When her party was over and it was just Josh, Mom, Meg, Ethan, Avery and I we did a balloon release for Adison. Avery even helped :) It was so special and oddly therapeutic, it was just what I needed. This will be something we do every year for our Angel in Heaven.
This is Avery's 2nd outfit and she kept pulling the bow off! lol
smash cake
her cake/gift table and a poster I made with a picture at birth and every month
her 1st outfit (this pic refuses to be moved to the top not sure why)