
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thankful On This Day and Everday

 November is the month of Thanksgiving. It seems people only stop to think of what they're thankful for around this time of year. My Thanksgiving is year round. I have that warm fuzzy feeling every time I get to hold my baby, kiss her, see her walk, listen to her beautiful voice. Simply feeling her sweet hand on my cheek when we sleep, or hearing her say Momma is the greatest gift I've ever been given. For all that I'm thankful and not just in November but every single day.
I'm thankful Avery has defied all odds with her prematurity. We were told when she was born she may never crawl, walk, talk, see, or hear. She's done all of those and done them well. She's proving that premature babies should never be underestimated. They are strong and have to fight from the second they're born to live and thrive in this world. Every breath is a gift and a chore for them, every ounce they gain is a huge accomplishment. I'm so thankful for every breath she fought so hard to take and for every ounce she struggled to gain.
To look at her now you would have no idea she had such a rough start. I'm beyond grateful for her, her health, her progress, her will to live, and her strength. God has blessed me more than I deserve and I can't thank Him enough. We've had the worst possible outcome and the best possible outcome with premature babies. I'm thankful for both of my miracles. I'm thankful Adison fought so hard to live for the time she did. She was so sick and for her to have lived 19 days is nothing short of a miracle.
I'm thankful to know one day I'll see Adison in Heaven. I'm thankful for my Salvation, without it I wouldn't see her again. God's plan is perfect. I know and trust that even if I don't understand the whys. I'm not meant to understand and I'm coming to terms with that.
I'm thankful on this day and everyday for life. It's such a precious gift that's often taken for granted. I'm thankful that it's something I don't take for granted.
I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving but I hope even more that you are thankful everyday for life and all the blessings you're given :)

She's running down the hallway :)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

16 months

 Geez I've got to do better with updating this blog. I mean it's not like I'm busy chasing around a toddler ;) Avery is doing so much I don't even know where to start. She's 16 months old and 13 months adjusted.
She walks/runs everywhere, and says so many things. She's a big repeater, she will attempt to repeat just about anything we say. Her vocabulary list is growing by the day but here's what she's saying as of now...
Daddy, dada
bye bye
bubba (I'm not sure why but to my recollection we've never said it, I think she just likes b words)
yum yum or yummy yummy yummy that's her word for food
she barks when Violet (a toy dog) barks
I'm certain there's more but I can't think of them right now. She amazes me with all she can say. Her receptive vocabulary is awesome as well. She knows everything we say. If I say go get your ball, she gets her ball. I can ask her where's Momma, Daddy, Nanann, Big Momma and she'll point to them. She knows where her nose, toes, hands, and ears are. I say where's your __ and she points to it. Cutest thing ever!!
She is so smart and way ahead in her speech. I truly think it's because we read to her all the time. We read at the very least 6 books a day. It's her favorite thing to do. If we say do you want to read a book, we no more than get read out and she gets so excited. She squeals and claps, it's very cute and I love that she likes to read so much.
She shakes her head yes and no. She claps, climbs, waves, tries to do a handstand.
She's so happy and playful and I love every minute of it. I'm so proud of her and all she's accomplished. What a miracle :)

Trying to do a handstand :)
She's starting to undress herself, she got her arm out.

She was Pebbles for Halloween
trying on a winter had and mittens, she loves them!

That was her second bowl of butternut squash/pumpkin soup, needless to say it's a favorite!

Fred, Pebbles, and Wilma Flintstone ;)