Today was Avery's first time to her Pediatrician, and it went great. We didn't have to wait in the waiting room, they let us in through the side door straight to our room. That was very nice and one of my musts when I was looking for a Dr.
Our Pediatrician is fabulous and came highly recommended. She's great with Avery and answers all my questions and listens to all my concerns. Love her! I even have her personal number and can call her anytime. She has had 2 preemies herself and has tons in her practice. I feel really comfortable and know that Avery is in great hands.
I was nervous about today, not really sure why but everything went well. She said Avery looks great and she doesn't have any concerns. She weighs 7 # 13 oz and is 18 1/2 inches long. She's going to be a petite little girl.
She did say she's already had 3 cases of RSV and it's not even in full swing yet, so she expects it's going to be a bad year for it. She said not to have ANY visitors and keep Avery inside, which is fully what I expect to do aside from the no visitors. My immediate family can visit, I know they won't come if they've been sick or around anyone who's been sick. I have gloves and masks if need be :)
We go back in 2 weeks for another check up just to make sure all is well, then after that we'll space it out more between visits.
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