This little device has been what's allowed me to get what little sleep I've gotten since Avery has been home. You attach it to her diaper or pants and it detects her every breath. If she were to stop breathing it will vibrate to stimulate her to hopefully get her to breath. If that doesn't work then the alarm will go off. We haven't had a false alarm or any alarm thus far, thank God :) It has a little flashing green light to let me know she's breathing. If her breathing gets really shallow like she's in a deep sleep the light will be orange and if she's not breathing the light would be red and the alarm will go off. This is my security blanket, and I don't trust it 100 % because I would rather see for myself that yep she's still breathing but it does make me feel at ease. She pretty much has it on all the time because I never know when she'll fall asleep. I actually feel comfortable enough to leave her in her bassinet and go put in a load of laundry or do the dishes. Without it I would seriously stare at her 24/7. Money well spent in my opinion. I highly recommend it to all you paranoid parents like myself, if I'm not the only one!
where did you find that at?? and if you don't mind, how much was it?
I got it online at babyhaven.com but it's sold out there. I don't think they sell them in stores but I'm not 100% sure.
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