It is now almost 3 am, Avery, Josh and I have been in our room for about 15 hours. It's going GREAT and Avery is loving every minute of it, of course we are too. It's so neat to be able to walk her around the room, or lay her on the bed with us and just stare at her. She loves to look at herself in the mirror. It's so cute, I haven't gotten a picture of her looking at herself yet but it's for sure happening. She is such a girly girl already.
Josh and I "take shifts" as far as sleeping goes. We're not comfortable with both of us sleeping when she sleeps. We're afraid we won't hear her cry or that she'll stop breathing, and a million other crazy things we worry about. We haven't had a problem with not hearing her (or any of our other concerns), no matter which one of us is sleeping we always wake up at the slightest noise she makes. It's incredible how you're parental instincts just take over.
She is a night owl for sure. Thank you Laura :) During the day she just wants to sleep and be left alone, she doesn't really get too excited about her bottles she's just really chill. At night however she's a different baby. She's demanding and wide awake ready to be talked to or held, again thanks to Laura who is 80% responsible for her being so rotten! We better have her bottle ready before she's ready, or else she gives us a baby cussing. Whatever patience she had during the day has gone right out the window and the drama queen appears. I will say that when she cries and nothing can soothe her like her Wub or music or singing, when her Mommy or Daddy picks her up she completely stops crying, which we love and it melts our hearts.
Now we're just hours from taking her home, and we are so ready, happy, and scared to death. I know all will be well and in a few weeks we'll have a routine and we both may feel comfortable enough to sleep when she sleeps.
This has been without a doubt the absolute worst and the absolute best time of our life. We lost a baby but we're taking one home that we could have lost also. We're ready for the next chapter and look forward to all the happiness it will bring.
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