Avery has been home a week today, and it has just flew by. She has been such a joy, and even though I was with her everyday in the NICU it's completely different having her home. There's no alarms going off, there's not 5 babies crying, and I get to do everything when she and I want. I love that I'm there to comfort her every time she cries. I know her wonderful nurses did and I'm thankful for that but I'm so glad it's my job 24/7.
We've learned the things she likes and things she doesn't. She loves to be snuggled on our chest's and I think that it's from kangaroo care when she was really tiny and that's all we could do. She loves wub and will wake up crying for it. TV is still one of her favorite things. She hates her vitamin and it's a chore to get her to take it, thankfully it's once a day. She doesn't like having her diaper changed one bit, sometimes I feel like the neighbors can hear her scream.
She sleeps in her bassinet by our bed, or by the couch if we're taking shifts. She's been in her crib once for about 5 seconds, just long enough for me to take some pics.
I'm a bit more comfortable sleeping when she sleeps but not completely. I still check on her all the time, and probably average 3 or 4 hours of sleep a night. I would rather have piece of mind than sleep. Hopefully soon I will get more comfortable.
She sleeps a lot especially during the day. She pretty much wakes up to eat, have her diaper changed, have some Mommy-Avery time and then she sleeps for 2 hours or so. This repeats all day. At night however she's ready for attention and wide awake.
I have taken tons of pictures. Sometimes I feel like I'm always looking at her through the camera lens. I have to make myself put down the camera and just enjoy the moment and have that memory. Everything does not have to be caught on camera. lol
I love this beautiful girl more than she'll ever know. She won't know the love I feel for her until she's a mother herself.
Love all the pics! She looks so completely happy. And I can tell from your blogs that you are! What a happy home.... I love it!
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